
Dijets Platform

To manage an entirely new class of digital assets and data, something with a potential to change millenia old monetary systems, and usher in a new era of decentralised finance there needs to exist technology infrastructure that could unlock and enable the open, instant, and low-cost movement of money and digital assets. Dijets Platform was built to facilitate an intricately derived and interconnected system of subnetworks and ECCs. We envision these clusters sharing operations and functionalities in specifically distint ways such that even the seemingly separate verticals can have plug and play tokenized interoperations in common via the default Dijets Primary Network. An internet of finance will result in this kind of clustering of subnetwork and ECC interrelations around financial and tokenisation services. Recent updates to DijetsNodeGo enables Intra-Network messaging and atomic transactions between ECCs which leads to all kinds of architectural probabilities for Dijets in the near future.

Dijets Virtual Machine - DVM#

A Virtual Machine (VM) defines the application-level logic of a blockchain. In technical terms, it specifies the blockchain’s state, state transition function, transactions, and the API through which users can interact with the blockchain. Each blockchain running on Dijets is an instance of a VM.

Think of a VM as a blueprint for a blockchain; you can use the same VM to create many blockchains, each of which follows the same ruleset but is logically independent of other blockchains.

With DVM, now when a developer builds a VM, they don't need to concern themselves with lower-level logic like networking, consensus, and the structure of the blockchain. DVM does this behind the scenes for developers so they can instead focus on applications they would like to build.

In doing so, Dijets removes the technical barriers that for years undermined mainstream blockchain adoption. Before DVM, blockchain networks typically had one Virtual Machine (VM) with a pre-defined, static set of functionalities. This rigid and monolithic design limited the developers scope for building DApps with wide range of use-cases. People who wanted custom decentralized applications had no choice but to create their own, entirely new blockchain network from scratch. Doing so required a great deal of time and effort, offered limited security, and generally resulted in a bespoke, fragile blockchain that never got off the ground.

EVM and Programming Languages#

Ethereum made a step toward solving this problem with smart contracts. Developers didn’t need to worry about networking and consensus, but creating decentralized applications was still very hard. The Ethereum VM has low performance and imposes restrictions on smart contract developers. Solidity and the other few languages for writing Ethereum smart contracts are unfamiliar to most programmers.

Dijets VMs (DVMs) make it easy to define a blockchain-based decentralized application. Rather than new, limited languages like Solidity, developers can write VMs in Go, WASM and Rust (support for more languages to follow).

Dijets consensus#

Consensus is the task of getting a group of computers to come to an agreement on a decision. Computers can reach a consensus by following a set of steps called a consensus protocol.

Dijets implements a new consensus protocol that is scalable, robust, and decentralized. It has low latency and high throughput. It is energy efficient and does not require special computer hardware. It performs well in adversarial conditions and is resilient to “51% attacks.”

Dijets implements a leaderless Byzantine fault tolerant protocol, built around a metastable mechanism via network subsampling.

Dijets Consensus protocol provides a strong probabilistic safety guarantee in the presence of Byzantine adversaries while their concurrent and leaderless nature enables them to achieve high throughput and scalability.

Unlike other blockchains that rely on proof-of-work, Dijets is quiescent and green. And unlike traditional consensus protocols where one or more nodes typically processes linear bits in the number of total nodes per decision, with Dijets no node processes more than logarithmic bits. It does not require accurate knowledge of all participants and exposes new possible tradeoffs and improvements in safety and liveness for building consensus among the participating public nodes.

Random Sub-subsampling#

At its core Dijets Consensus protocol operates by repeatedly sampling the network at random, and steering correct nodes towards a common outcome. ( This metastable mechanism is extremely powerful and helps Dijets transactions to achieve a sub seecond finality. It does so by moving a large network to an irreversible state quickly, where the irreversibility implies that a sufficiently large portion of the network has accepted a proposal and a conflicting proposal will not be accepted with any higher than negligible (ε) probability.

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