Upgradeing Dijets Node
DijetsNodeGo is an ongoing project and there are regular version upgrades. Most upgrades are recommended but not required. Advance notice will be given for upgrades that are not backwards compatible. When a new version of the node is released, you will notice log lines like:
Jan 08 10:26:45 ip-172-31-16-229 dijetsnodego[6335]: INFO [01-08|10:26:45] dijetsnodego/network/peer.go#526: beacon 9CkG9MBNavnw7EVSRsuFr7ws9gascDQy3 attempting to connect with newer version dijets/1.2.1. You may want to update your client
It is recommended to always upgrade to the latest version, because new versions bring bug fixes, new features and upgrades.
To upgrade your node, just run the installer script again:
It will detect that you already have DijetsNodeGo installed:
DijetsNodeGo installer --------------------- Preparing environment... Found 64bit Intel/AMD architecture... Found DijetsNodeGo systemd service already installed, switching to upgrade mode. Stopping service...
It will then upgrade your node to the latest version, and after it's done, start the node back up, and print out the information about the latest version:
Node upgraded, starting service... New node version: dijets/1.2.1 [network=mainnet, database=v1.0.0, commit=2af56ac946bf3caa85972163fa616fdc83c3f3e6] Done!