Dijets Account Helper Scripts
A collection of useful scripts for generating multiple addresses, mnemonic phrases, private key encoding and conversion etc.
NodeJs v12.14.1
Step 1: Installation#
git clone https://github.com/Dijets-Inc/dijets-account-helper.git
cd dijets-account-helper/
npm install
Step 2: Generating a Mnemonic Phrase#
If you are in need of a mnemonic phrase, type the following commands in your terminal:
node mnemonic.js
Step 3: Deriving HD Addresses fromt a mnemonic Phrase#
To generate your deterministic Dijets (DJTX) addresses, type the following commands in your terminal:
node address_gen.js
In the first prompt, enter how many addresses you want to generate. In the second prompt, paste your mnemonic phrase.
Ethereum Key to Dijets Key#
Given an ethereum private key, it will display the corresponding dijets address and private key.
node eth_convert.js